Ms Noluthando Mbangeleli

Ms. Mbangeleli holds a Master’s in Leadership Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is currently pursuing her PhD in the same field. She is a lecturer specialising in Leadership and Entrepreneurship with a keen interest in the impact of AI on business innovation at the University of Johannesburg Business School (JBS). With a passion for developing innovative leaders, she focuses on empowering students with the skills needed to navigate the evolving business landscape.

Her research interest entails leadership development, entrepreneurship and ethical implications of AI in decision-making. Ms Mbangeleli has presented her work at national and international conferences and has also published articles. Prio to academia, Ms Mbangeleli worked in the public and private sector for close to ten years. Her leadership skills have been demonstrated through her service in various roles, including Secretary and Board Member of AFM, as well as Chairperson for Community Engagement at iQ Academy among others.