Dr. Nyankomo Marwa

Dr Nyankomo Marwa is an Associate Professor Digital Transformation, Development Finance and Applied Econometrics at Johannesburg Business School (JBS). Prior to JBS, Prof Marwa was the head of Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Prof. Marwa has held different positions in the past including a Director for Policy Research and Planning at Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank; Siemen International and MITACS scholar in consumer behavior modelling at Dr. J. Herbert Smith Center of Technology Management & Entrepreneurship, University of New Brunswick, Canada; Biostatistician at Saskatchewan Population Health Research Unit in Canada; Forensic Scientist and Supervisor of Forensic Bureau at Tanzanian Forensic Bureau and Country Research Analyst in Social sector at TWAWEZA.He earned his PhD in Development Finance from the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

He attended his Doctoral Course Work in Economics, Econometrics and Public Policy from the University of Nebraska Lincoln (USA) and Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, Canada. In addition he holds Masters’ degree in Agricultural Economics from University of Nebraska Lincoln (USA), Masters’ degree in Applied Statistics and Biostatics from Hasselt University (Belgium) and BSc. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania).

Dr Marwa has extensive experience in Public Policy Advisory Services, Research and Teaching in Applied Econometrics, Housing Finance and Public Policy, Agricultural Finance, and Economics of Block chain Technology. His recent research focuses on The Role of Block chain Technology in Financial Inclusion, Empirical Modeling of Efficiency and Sustainability of Financial Institutions and Agricultural Value Chain Financing.

During the past 10 years he has successfully supervised over 9 Doctoral Students, Over 65 Masters Students from University of Stellenbosch, University of Cape Town and University of Fort Hare. He has published over 40 peer reviewed articles in various internal journals. He has been awarded several prestigious scholarships and awards including: The vice chancellors’ outstanding researcher of the years 2020, MITACS, Siemens International, American Fulbright Scholarship, Teacher-Doctoral Scholar Fellowship, Nixen Fellowship, Stellenbosch University Merit Based Bursary, Belgian Technical Cooperation scholarship just to mention few.